
Showing posts from December, 2018

What Does Iridology Say About Your Holistic Health?

According to the science of Iridology and the practitioners of this alternative modality, the different colors, patterns, and markings of the iris can be checked in order to assess information about an individual’s current health conditions and their genetic pre-dispositions. pic credit: unsplash Some practitioners of comprehensive and holistic iridology in British Columbia consider that the iris of the eye has a lot to reveal about the emotional, physical, mental as well as spiritual health of a person. This practice is also considered to be a useful tool in terms of evaluating the certain healing process of the body through iris analysis. According to an expert Iridologist on Vancouver Island , the foundation of iridology includes the following: ·          The iris is considered as an extension of the brain, comprising of thousands of nerve endings. Thus, each organ connects to the iris through the nervous system. · ...

Six Factors That You Must Know To Understand Your Natural Health

The human body is a complex, mysterious as well as a miraculous thing. It lets us move freely in our surroundings, makes us feel different sensations and lets us interact with the world around us. Since you are given one body for your entire lifespan, it’s very important to know your body in the first place and then to treat it well on the other. Pic Credit: usplash Many times, it becomes very easy for a person to get their body off track. Thanks to hectic schedules, long working hours and a constant juggle in between the demands of the life – your body becomes depleted which in turn, takes a toll onto your overall well-being. Various professionals of Natural Health in Ladysmith suggest that it is very important for a person to understand their body as a whole. Following are the important things that you must know about your body to understand your overall health and wellbeing.  1. Your cells know what they want to be: All the cells of the human body are p...