Modern Cosmetic Dentistry in Mississauga Can Resolve Various Dental Problems

A variety of factors may ruin the pristine appearance of your teeth. You may chip/break a tooth after tripping over an object and falling on your face. An impact with the ground may result in chipping or breaking of a tooth or several teeth. A chipped tooth may even break at the time of chewing. You may even lose a tooth or several teeth after an impact with a solid surface. On the other hand, you may have misaligned teeth or may have two rows of teeth. You may even have crooked or stained teeth ruining your appearance. It is possible to alter the appearance of chipped, broken, stained, misaligned or crooked teeth with the assistance of modern cosmetic dentistry in Mississauga. The cosmetic dentistry refers to any type of dental work that is capable of improving the appearance of teeth and gum. This segment of dentistry is also used to correct the bite. A cosmetic dentist receives additional training in this segment of dentistry after receiving the basic training.

Teeth Whitening Procedure
The majority of the individuals visit the office of cosmetic dentists to clean and whiten the stained teeth. A dentist may use a powerful whitening gel to whiten your teeth after removing the stains. You may require 1-3 appointments to achieve the desired level whitening. The number of appointments or the duration of treatment usually depends upon the severity of staining. Some dentists use a special beam of the laser to quicken the process of whitening. The type of the treatment also depends upon the type of a tooth. A tooth that received root-canal treatment requires a special procedure which brightens it from the inside. This special procedure is only available through a cosmetic dentist of the Mississauga.

If a tooth becomes mildly or moderately decayed, then it does not have sufficient tooth structure to support a filling. In this scenario, a dentist uses indirect fillings known as inlays or onlays. If the cusps of a tooth remain intact, then a dentist may use inlays. It is placed directly onto the surface of a tooth. The onlays may cover the entire surface of a tooth. This type of indirect filling is used to cover a severely damaged tooth that may or may not have damaged cusps. A composite resin material is used to manufacture the inlays/onlays in a laboratory. These fillings are attached to the tooth using the adhesive dental cement. The inlays/onlays do not just improve the appearance of teeth through the restoration of shape. These indirect fillings may prevent future decays and provide sufficient support to the teeth.

Veneers Care
The medical-grade ceramic is used to manufacture dental veneers. The best dentist in Mississauga may use these veneers to improve the appearance and the confidence of an individual with crooked, malformed or chipped teeth. This cosmetic treatment is also beneficial for individuals with damaged enamel. The dental veneers are manufactured in accordance with the personalized shape of the teeth in each individual. The dental veneers resemble the look of natural teeth and are pasted onto the front of each tooth using the dental adhesive.

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